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Creating an Online Course from Scratch Part 2

I have officially re-named my course! It is now called; Technology Integration: Creating Significant Learning Environments. The focus of the course is increasing student choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning. The basic outline is:

Technology in the Classroom

21st-Century Skills


Personalized Learning

Blended Learning

Wrapping it All Up

Last week I added more meat to the first half of the outline, this week I fleshed out the second half. Now that the outline is more detailed, I have begun to curate my information. This takes longer than I thought it would. At first I was just adding resources, discussion posts, and assignments with no real thought to how a student would progress through my class. Then I remembered I was going to use #hyperdocs so I found my Hyperdoc Handbook and began designing my learners experience instead of creating a lesson plan.

So each module now has an Explore page where they will explore the various articles, videos, and resources followed by an Explain discussion post. Here is where they will synthesize what they learned by summary and discussion. I have added a FlipGrid link for the learners that would rather record a video instead of type their response. Inside the FlipGrid topic, they can reply to one another and "discuss" the topic. I feel this will help to develop relationships between the learners. I am also asking them to group up to provide feedback to each other on their e-portfolios and lesson plans. The final part of the module is the Apply assignment. Here they will apply what they learned in their own classrooms and either create a blog post, video diary, or digital journal reflecting on how it has affected them or their lesson delivery.

In the creation of this course, I have been personally challenged to find enough information and not overload them with too much information. I have to narrow down my resources to the best of the best. I want to create an introduction video for each module and the course, but I may run out of time for a quality video but it will be added before the course is finished. Wish me luck!

I know that I would personally enjoy taking the course myself, so I hope others will enjoy it too.



Highfill, L., Hilton, K., & Landis, S. (2016). The Hyperdoc handbook: Digital lesson design using google apps. Irvine, CA: Ed Tech Team Press.



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