Micro-Credentials, What are They?
When most people think of micro-credentials, they think of badges, and they are similar in some ways but different in others. Both are ways for people to show what they have learned, while badges tend to be specific to a particular app, micro-credentials are linked to specific skills. Badges tend to show an ability to use a specific technology, micro-credentials are earned by submitting proof of application of knowledge in specific areas.
My innovation project is to bring micro-credentials to my district to enhance our technology training and our current badging system in order to personalize our training. I will start by showing this call to action video as an "advertisement" for micro-credentials.
I have already spoken with my supervisor and he likes the idea! I wrote a proposal letter, plan outline, and literature review to support my innovation project. We are already working on the survey for June. I am excited to start this project of personalized training for my teachers! Once teachers have provided their recommendations, we will start creating our first courses for an August or September roll-out.
Further Research Some sites I will look to for further research as I continue through this project:
MOOC-ed with the Friday Institute NC State College of Education - This site has many classes that are free for educators to take for professional development credit. Many micro-credentials are offered here.
Friday Institute Microcredentials - These are the specific micro-credentials that the Friday Institute issues to educators.
Digital Promise has micro-credentials for educators in many fields.
Online Schools Center has a great infographic and resources for badges and micro-credentials.
My Innovation Project Site is where I store all my resources and collect more information on this project.
Books I plan to read: Personalized PD: Flipping you Professional Development - A book I found that I will be reading this summer not only for this project but to help me continue as a Technology Integration Specialist.
The Four O'clock Faculty: A Rogue Guide to Revolutionizing Professional Development - is another book I can't wait to read to help me on this path of innovation. Any book published by a pirate has to be good!
Bretzmann, J., Bosch, K., Gustafson, B., Currie, B., Daniels, K., Conley, L., & Wilkoff, B. (2015). Personalized PD: Flipping your professional development. New Berlin, WI. The Bretzmann Group
Czyz, R. (2017). Four o'clock faculty: A rogue guide to revolutionizing professional development. San Diego, CA: Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.