Innovation Plan - Micro-Credentials!
It is my plan to implement a micro-credential system into our technology training for teachers at Mabank ISD to allow teachers to learn new ways to implement technology effectively into their daily classroom activities.
Phase I: Development
Recruitment - June 2019
Pitch to Instructional Media Team (IMT) idea of micro-credentials
Survey teachers at our Know Your Impact Summer Conference (June 5-7) and seek volunteers.
What do they like about the current badging system?
What changes would they make?
How much time would they invest in technology training? After school, In-service, Online Webinars?
What topics/applications would they like to see offered?
What form would work best for them? Face-to-face, Online, Blended?
Would you be willing to participate in a micro-credential pilot program?
What type of incentive would motivate you to actively participate in the current badging system?
Meet with IMT to analyze survey results.
Discuss which 3-5 topics to turn into a micro-credentials.
Set goals for the percentage of teachers participating.
Develop a list of teachers to pilot the program.
Development of Micro-credentials: June - August 2019
What do we want the teachers to prove they can do with this app/tech?
How can they “test” out of a course (prove mastery)?
How much time should it take a beginner to complete this course?
Where will the “lessons” come
Who will be the assessors of final products?
Will re-evaluations/follow-ups be needed?
LMS or website based?
Develop sound pedagogy-based implementation activities
Create “courses” for top 3 applications to use in the pilot program.

Phase II: Implementation
Pilot Roll Out: September - December 2019
Launch LMS or Website to pilot teachers.
Monitor participation
Hold “office hours” or hangouts live for class discussions or help.
Call for volunteers for Pilot (2)
Pilot (2) Roll Out: January - April 2020
Re-Launch LMS or Website to pilot (2) teachers.
Monitor participation
Hold “office hours” or hangouts live for class discussions or help.
Phase III: Evaluation
Analyze/Assess: March - May 2020
Collect course evaluations and analyze responses.
Survey teachers at our Know Your Impact Summer Conference (June 2020)
Effective? Positive or negative?
Revamp/edit current courses based on feedback.
Develop 3-5 more “courses”/micro-credentials for district-wide roll out.
Phase IV: Innovate
District Roll Out - August 2020
Re-launch prior 3 courses and 3 new courses.
Monitor participation.
Assist as needed.
Images from Giffy and Public Domain Pictures