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Innovation Plan - Micro-Credentials!

It is my plan to implement a micro-credential system into our technology training for teachers at Mabank ISD to allow teachers to learn new ways to implement technology effectively into their daily classroom activities.

Phase I: Development

Recruitment - June 2019

  • Pitch to Instructional Media Team (IMT) idea of micro-credentials

  • Survey teachers at our Know Your Impact Summer Conference (June 5-7) and seek volunteers.

  • What do they like about the current badging system?

  • What changes would they make?

  • How much time would they invest in technology training? After school, In-service, Online Webinars?

  • What topics/applications would they like to see offered?

  • What form would work best for them? Face-to-face, Online, Blended?

  • Would you be willing to participate in a micro-credential pilot program?

  • What type of incentive would motivate you to actively participate in the current badging system?

  • Meet with IMT to analyze survey results.

  • Discuss which 3-5 topics to turn into a micro-credentials.

  • Set goals for the percentage of teachers participating.

  • Develop a list of teachers to pilot the program.

Development of Micro-credentials: June - August 2019

  • What do we want the teachers to prove they can do with this app/tech?

  • How can they “test” out of a course (prove mastery)?

  • How much time should it take a beginner to complete this course?

  • Where will the “lessons” come


  • Who will be the assessors of final products?

  • Will re-evaluations/follow-ups be needed?

  • LMS or website based?

  • Develop sound pedagogy-based implementation activities

  • Create “courses” for top 3 applications to use in the pilot program.

Phase II: Implementation

Pilot Roll Out: September - December 2019

  • Launch LMS or Website to pilot teachers.

  • Monitor participation

  • Hold “office hours” or hangouts live for class discussions or help.

  • Call for volunteers for Pilot (2)

Pilot (2) Roll Out: January - April 2020

  • Re-Launch LMS or Website to pilot (2) teachers.

  • Monitor participation

  • Hold “office hours” or hangouts live for class discussions or help.

Phase III: Evaluation

Analyze/Assess: March - May 2020

  • Collect course evaluations and analyze responses.

  • Survey teachers at our Know Your Impact Summer Conference (June 2020)

  • Effective? Positive or negative?

  • Revamp/edit current courses based on feedback.

  • Develop 3-5 more “courses”/micro-credentials for district-wide roll out.

Phase IV: Innovate

District Roll Out - August 2020

  • Re-launch prior 3 courses and 3 new courses.

  • Monitor participation.

  • Assist as needed.


Images from Giffy and Public Domain Pictures



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