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My Musings
A look into the mind of a Tech Integration Specialist
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BHAG and Designing a Professional Development Course
Planning with the End in Mind For my innovation project, I developed a course design using Fink's (n.d.) guide in order to create...

A New Culture of Learning
Here's my reflection on A New Culture of Learning by Thomas and Brown. The three principals from A New Culture of Learning: * The...

Genius Hour Reflections
How crazy am I? 26 Kids, 26 Passions, 2 Teachers, and 1 Lab Every summer my school district hosts the Know Your Impact conference. Three...

It helps if we are thinking of the same thing when we hear the word innovation. My favorite explanation is from George Couros (2015), he...

Reflections: The Second Grad School Class
EDLD 5303 is unlike any class I have taken because this class was a gift of time, time to work on my e-portfolio and to explore myself as...
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